Sports the thou medicine of life

Sports the thou medicine of life A group of playful physical activity are referred to as Sports.

Sports the thou medicine of life details...

A group of physical pursuits are referred to as Sports. Sports is of miscellaneous kinds . It includes activities like Football , cricket , hockey , volleyball , rugby or chess . All have their set of protocol and nature of participation for the contenders. They are all distinctive and unique in their own right .

Sports the thou medicine of life details...

Passion of many and loved by many indeed sports enjoys immense popularity amongst the teeming millions . We play with our cousins , family and friends . We see many enthusiastic young people playing various sports on the streets and inside our homes as we have outdoors as well as indoor sports .Sports has the ability to keep us away from our typical unhealthy sedentary lifestyle which consists of Computers , laptops and television , I –pods and I- pads .

Sedentary lifestyle is indeed hazardous to health such as it slows down metabolism , excessive gaining of weight and makes us vulnerable and susceptible to many diseases and because of such a lifestyle where all people do is to sit and eat all day and the after effect of this is that we have fat bellied and obese individuals . No political figure such as First Lady “ Michelle Obama” can do anything ,If the people are not aware and are not ready to take an initiative .

Sports the thou medicine of life details...

Sports the thou medicine of life details... So , we should indulge in a lot of physical activities and Sports . Is Sports only a Stress Buster and just a way to get rid of a sedentary lifestyle? Sports has an altogether different face to it if you think in a little more out of the box way or if put in better words :Look at it from a different angle and from a much wider horizon and Just for once think can sports be a religion or is it already one? Sports enjoys a fan following of millions and zillions. I would have mentioned a greater figure, If I would have known any .

The best example for this face cannot be any better than cricket . Cricket enjoys an enormous fan following of billions and is loved by many . Envisage a stadium of millions from all walks of life just looking at that one ground with the most watchful eyes and all colours of emotions. The lot sitting there is more emotionally charged by the match even more than the recitation of their countries respective national anthems . It is very evident from the after effect of a match. The kind of extreme feelings we get to see is so terrific. If a country wins the jumping , dancing , cheering and then the showering of love by the countrymen can bring tears in anybody’s eyes.

Sports the thou medicine of life details...

Their happiness is so immense as if they were playing the match . The team which faces the defeat also faces just the opposite reaction with tears , expressions pain and unhappiness and a the players of that team are critically analysed . Such sights are so emotionally driven that it can charge anybody in the same manner . Sports has many more facets to it. It is the only religion that possibly brings people closer and closer and improves the bond in general between two people , two or more people or even countries or world.

Indeed it brings two countries closer which includes the dignitaries, spectators and even the players after a good healthy match . Sports has been gifted by nature with all the flavours of love , pleasure and sadness , enthusiasm , courage and patriotism & power..
Sports the thou medicine of life Sports the thou  medicine of life Reviewed by brij rai on April 30, 2012 Rating: 5

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