London became the world's slowest city for drivers

London became the world's slowest city for drivers...

According to the TomTom Traffic Index 2022, central London is the slowest driving area at just 14 km/h during rush hour. In the UK capital, as in many other major cities, congestion is a source of increased fuel costs. , but also CO2 emissions.

London holds the record for the slowest speed in the city centre. In 2022, it took just over 36 minutes to travel just 10 km. According to TomTom, the average speed in the British capital is around 25 km/h, but this drops to just 14 km/h at peak times.After London, Bangalore (29'10") in India and Dublin (28'30") in Ireland have the slowest journeys.

London became the world's slowest city for drivers details...

Traffic jams inevitably lead to increased fuel consumption. With fuel prices rising, this means a global average cost increase of 27% for petrol cars and 44% for diesel cars. TomTom has calculated that the average cost per 10,000 kilometers driven in Hong Kong is €1,986 for a petrol (+14% over a year) and €1,511 for a diesel (+22%).

London became the world's slowest city for drivers details...

The other consequence of congestion is, of course, CO2 emissions, which also skyrocket.TomTom estimates that a 20km round trip home to work trip in London emits 1,133kg of CO2. Paris (1,092 kg) and Manila (1,047 kg) follow.

The TomTom Traffic Index 2022 covers 389 cities in 56 countries. The data comes from more than 600 million connected devices, starting with in-car navigation systems and smartphones using TomTom apps. In total, data from 58 billion driving hours was collected.

slow traffic put severe impact on increasing air pollution in london.

London became the world's slowest city for drivers details...

"Nitrogen dioxide is mainly found in London due to emissions from transport, which are made worse by congestion in the city." an average of 13 km/h on weekdays, a number that has fallen in recent years.

Although the total number of vehicles entering central London has fallen dramatically since the introduction of the congestion charge, the number of toll-exempt private hire vehicles entering central London has more than quadrupled over the same period.

Kate Langford said “We must also improve public transport, and make sure it’s as affordable and efficient as possible. If buses can travel just 1mph faster than they do today, it could potentially save TfL £100-£200m per year.”
London became the world's slowest city for drivers London became the world's slowest city for drivers Reviewed by brij rai on February 17, 2023 Rating: 5

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